Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Erie

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Clarity Should Come With Comfort

Contact lenses provide clear, crisp vision—it’s our job to help make sure it’s comfortable too. We offer contact lens exams and fittings to help you find the perfect lenses for your eyes.

Contact lenses are medical devices, and they should only be worn after an optometrist has assessed your eyes. It’s crucial to treat anything that sits on the surface of your eyes with care and to be properly fitted by a doctor before using contact lenses.

If you’re a first-time user of contact lenses, we will provide you with hygiene advice as well as all the training you need to insert and remove your contact lenses safely and easily.

You’ll also need an exam and special fitting—book yours today!

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Extra Exam Steps Help Find Your Fit

A contact lens prescription differs from your regular eyewear prescription. After all, contact lenses sit directly on the cornea. They require careful fitting to ensure your comfort.

During the exam, we will take several measurements. We use a keratometer to determine your corneal curvature, and we will measure the size of your pupils and irises.

We may also use corneal topography to inspect the surface of your cornea and determine the type of lens that will provide the best vision.

When you book a contact lens exam, we will also evaluate your overall eye health to determine which lenses are best for your eyes.

Book your contact lens exam to find your perfect fit today.

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Caring for Contacts

Contact lenses sit directly on the cornea, so you’ll need to follow your optometrist’s instructions carefully to make sure your eyes remain healthy. Serious infections can be associated with contact lens wear, so hygiene is of the utmost importance.

You can prevent infections by doing the following:

  • Removing your lenses before you go to sleep (unless you have extended wear style lenses and your optometrist has approved sleeping in them).
  • Book annual, comprehensive eye exams to make sure your eyes are still tolerating lenses well.
  • Don’t shower, use a hot tub, or go swimming while wearing contact lenses.
  • Replace and care for your lenses by following your optometrist’s instructions.
  • If you have lenses that need to be cleaned, never do so using tap water.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them thoroughly before inserting or removing lenses.

Exams Are Essential

If you’re a regular contact lens wearer, it’s important to come for annual eye exams to ensure your eyes are tolerating the lenses well. But, if you experience any discomfort while wearing your contacts, don’t wait until your exam time comes up on the calendar.

Many people who experience discomfort give up on wearing lenses without looking for an alternative option. Dry eye is a common reason for people to go back to glasses. But, we can help you find another style of lens or a dry eye treatment to keep you in contacts.

Regular exams are also important for keeping your prescription up-to-date and your vision sharp. If you have a current prescription and just need a refill, you can order your contact lenses online or come in and see us!

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Visit Our Location

We’re conveniently located across from My Dad’s Pizza and Knoll Avenue. Free parking is available in the lot steps from our front door. We look forward to seeing you at your next eye exam!

Our Address

  • 4600 Buffalo Rd.
  • Erie, PA 16510

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 7:30 AM 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:30 AM 4:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 7:30 AM 12:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 7:30 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Closed for lunch from 12:30-1:30

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